<center><a href="http://womeninthescriptures.blogspot.com/2009/12/women-in-scripture-challenge.html"><img border="0" src="http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s470/ofmimages/WomenintheScriptures/finalchallenge150.png" /></a></center>
Last year if you recall I tried to do 31 things for my 31st year.
(Which by the way I didn't finish all that I had wanted, but I was able to do most and it was a great year of many accomplishments. My greatest is probably getting my back to being much more functional. I am now working on average about 24 hrs a week at a book store. Which I love, but is quite physical especially for a girl with a couple of herniated discs in my lower back. So grateful for the swimming pool and the elliptical that has helped in my recovery. I am grateful that I have made such great progress.)
Anyways this year I have decided to narrow things down....a LOT.
This year I am going to study about all the Women in the Scriptures. I have found a couple of great blogs and books to help me understand what I am reading a little better and help me get the most out of my studying and I am excited to come to know and love the women of the scriptures.
Feel free to join me. :)
'God Gave Me You'
" When you look at a field of dandelions, you can either see a hundred weeds or a hundred wishes..."
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Say Love - Hilary Weeks
For 2014 it is a goal to 'say love' maybe not using airplanes, but something once a week. To whomever, a stranger, a friend, family member. Let us all 'say love' more often. How much happier the world will be!
Here is to having a year 53 times happier!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Baking Soda Miracles
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B.S. Paste |
I have had issues with my burners for several weeks now. I think I made the mistake of cleaning them with a disinfecting. Every time I used a burner the whole house would smell of this awful chemical stench. Instead of the smell of a yummy meal when my hubby got home he could tell I cooked by these awful smell in the air. It was awful and it gave me a migraine Every time I cooked.
I finally did something about it. First I made some simple baking soda paste. Baking soda + water and mix.
Next I plastered the paste on each of the burners. Front and back. Unfortunately for me my burners couldn't be removed from the stove, but if you can do so I would highly recommend it. It will make the process much easier in the long run. Just be careful not to get any of the electrical area wet.
Then I Waited.... letting it sit for a good 20 minutes.
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Front. |
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Back. |
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After 20 minutes. |
I then placed paper towels under each burner to catch the water.( After going through several paper towels I went to using rags instead. )
Then I took my scrubber that had Dawn dish soap and scrubbed at the burners. Trying to remove all gunk and paste.

This part took the most time as you need to be careful about the amount of water used in this project.
Once stove is completely dry it was good as new.
Miracle #2: Removing urine smell in bathroom.
One of the unpleasant trees of renting in an apartment is that you have no control over how the person before you lived. I like to imagine that it was a little boy learning how to use the bathroom and that's why our bathroom always seemed to smell of urine even after I have cleaned it on a regular basis.
So I decided to use the same Baking Soda Paste I used to clean our to and tackled our toilet, floor and walls near the toilet.
Make sure to use some gloves while doing this project. It can get pretty nasty.
I hope you can see I caked on the paste in every nook and cranny.
Even the bottom, back, sides, and front. Where ever I thought that a splash could reach.
Though I don't have a picture of it. I also got the walls and cabinet next to the toilet as well.
Once again I let it sit. This time I waited 45 minutes, though you probably only have to wait 20 for more minor smells. Since I felt like I was walking into a boys locker room every time I got ready in the morning. I decided to wait it out a while longer.
Next I took a scrubber (a different scrubber then the one used in the kitchen; which I threw out afterwards.) I put dish soap and added Clorox bleach in it as well.
I scrubbed.
See all the fun bubbles.:) I like seeing bubbles makes me feel like its working.
The last steps are simple. Finish cleaning as you would any other time you had cleaned the toilet. I used wipes since I don't like rewashing rags once they have touched the toilet. I guess I'm a little OCD that way.
I also hand mopped the floor with wipes.
Once the floor dried. I then swept up any remaining baking soda that was left behind. Brought out my mop and mopped the whole floor again.
I wasn't good about taking a before and after picture,sorry,
but I promise you..
looked so white.
The best part is...NO more stinky bathroom. Wahoo!
Monday, May 6, 2013
31 Things
Today. I turned 31.
Wow! How can I be so Old already!?
I pictured my life to be different then what it is today.
Choose not to go in the details, wanting to think positively today so I've decided to do something about where my future is going.
In honor of my 31st birthday today I am making 31 goals for this coming year. Some will be fun, some hard, but in the end on my 32nd birthday I want to look back and be able to see that I have moved forward and am progressing in life.
Here it goes. (In no particular order.)
1- I recently got a keyboard and am teaching myself how to play. I would like to learn how to play 'the rose' and comfortable enough to play it in front of others, even if it's just to Jake one day.
2- Go camping. I've lived in Oregon for two years now, it's gorgeous here and I still haven't been camping. which has always been something that I've loved doing in the past. So go camping, we will probably have to borrow almost everything to do so, but I wanna get away with my hubby and sleep on the hard ground, sit around the camp fire, make smores, and use our dutch over. Yum!
3- I joined a book club two months ago. A new/hard thing for me which I've been slacking on a bit. My goal is to read each book and go to every event. I enjoy reading, but this will definitely get me out of my comfort zone and help me meet and make new friends.
4- Walk/Run a 5k. My goal is September for the Color Run. I have a couple herniated disc in my low back. So the goal is to walk/run without any pain by then. :) Means lots of hours at the pool and strength training.
5- Grow my hair out. Now I know this may seem silly, but I get so frustrated with my hair, because I lack the creativity to have fun with my hair. I tend to chop it. I've always wanted the long flowing curls and straight hair. I have to at least try it this year. If I hate it, then I can always chop it again right. So here is to only trims and taking my vitamins to help it grow thicker. :)
6- Make one sewing project. I haven't sewn since junior high and I think I only did a pillow. I have recently inherited an old machine and I really want to learn how. I'm sure I will be challenging my patience and my perfectionist personality, but it will be fun right.
7- Move forward on a career path. I'm not sure yet what it is, so I can't define exactly what the goal is, but either going back to school, or finding a job I want to excel in and make into a career or maybe start my own small business making things. My goal is to research the possibilities, choose, and start towards whatever it maybe.
8- Read Jesus the Christ. Jake got if for me about a year ago, and I've been awful and barely opened it. That WILL change.
9- Learn to dance to the 'thriller'. The night Jake and I met we were supposed to be taught this very dance at the activity we were at, but there was some kind of miss communication or something and it never happened. It was the biggest reason why I went to that single's activity. I'm grateful I went of course, but always wished I had learned. It just sounds like fun, right. :)
10- Pay off debt. I recently paid off my little car that I've had now for um...about 4 years now. It felt Awesome! Being debt free would be Fabulous! Wont happen this year, but we will pinch our pennies and pay off as much as possible.
11- Make/get 72 hour kits for Jake and I. Make and emergency plan with Jake, just in case.
12- Work on the Young Woman's Personal Progress. When I graduated young woman's when I was 18. I completed all the work, but didn't get it to my Bishop and leaders on time. Therefore I didn't get my medallion and though I can just go buy one now, I would really like to do the program again. I will do at least the first year of the beehive program this year.
13- See Multnomah Falls when it's winter, snowy, and all ice. It's gotta be beautiful.
14- Join a support group for those who suffer/have suffered PPD/A. Right now I feel strong enough to be able to help those who are struggling and help them realize there is light at the end of the tunnel. If telling one person my story and experience will help them find hope it will be worth it.
15- Organize our craft/office room. Since moving in a couple months ago our extra room has become more like a storage area instead of a craft/office room. I so want that to change and I have a couple of ideas to make it seems more warm and homey too.
16- Read the Book of Mormon with Jake each night and praying as a couple. We do this already, well sort of. We try. I want it to become a habit. One of those habits that you can't not do. Like going to church every week.
17- Make a picture book of my pictures I have a my boys when I had them. One that I can keep and cherish and one I can give each of the boys one day. Right now I have them in a box and they are a little unorganized.
18- Remember to be thankful. Be polite. I was taught as a child to say 'thank you', 'please', help the elderly, open doors, but sometimes I find myself realizing afterwards that I didn't take that opportunity.
19- Stop comparing. I swear nothing takes away my self esteem or happiness quicker than when I look at someone else and see all their achievements and see only my weaknesses. I will try to catch myself when I do and remind myself of this and compliment myself for how far I've come, or an achievement I have made.
20- Learn to do something Jake loves to do. I'm not sure what that is yet, but when I do. I will have him teach me and enjoy watching his enthusiasm.
21- Write on at least one of my blogs once a week. I have a family only, this, personal blogs. It can be easy to not document whats going on in my life, but I want to keep it up and have a journal.
22- Have my older posts on my blogs made into a book.
23- Work on our genealogy. I have much to learn and have just began to get acquainted with the website. I have yet to learn how to find ancestors. That is hope to find ancestors and learn about them.
24- Join a sports team. Even if it's just for church. I used to love team sports and I still do, I think. I want to see if I can find some of that ol' me again.
25- Find a professional team for me. To help secure a better healthier future. I've always hated going to the Dr. but I will go to the dr and get a pap smear UGH! and a yearly physical at least.
26- Kiss my hubby in the rain. I've always wanted to do this, but have yet done it. This year is the year. Lots of chances in Oregon. :)
27- Get to know my neighbors better. Right now all we do is say hello and maybe smile. I think learning their names and the names of their children would be a great start right. ;) Maybe I could even bribe with some treats or something.
28- Write the missionaries at least once a month. I have a couple of 'my girl's' that are out on missions who are converts and so their families don't quite understand and maybe a little upset that they left for a year and a half without having little more than email/letters. I want to be a better support for them and the other missionaries I know serving.
29- Make and extra effort to thank Jake for all that he does for me. Some days I take for granted all that he does for me. I really want to change that. I want him to know I'm grateful and that I love him. I don't want him ever to doubt or be frustrated with me because he didn't understand that.
30- Better Communication. With whomever it is in my life, family, spouse, friends, boss', neighbors, even strangers. I need to be more willing to open my mouth and express myself. I am going to talk to one knew person each week, or express an emotion/feeling that I feel uncomfortable sharing, telling those I love that I love them and doing more things for them.
31- Live in the now. I will never get this year back again. So I will challenge myself to stay in the now whether it's ugly or beautiful. Feel and live the now, do the best I can in the moment and then choose to move forward for the next moment in time.
To a FABULOUS 31st year!
Little Poette's B-day!
My adorable niece turned one on April 15th.
I can't believe she is one already.
She is tiny. Though that seems to be a common theme in the Seward family.
I think it's fun they stay small for so long.
They are just adorable when they are so little.
Her momma Sabrina did a fabulous job with the party.
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Amazing elephant cake made by Sabrina |
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Yummy lunch! |
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Cute booty. |
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Cousin Kimi (age 5) made Poette a birthday card. Awe! |
Dance party. Kimi and 'Lexa
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Birthday girl Poette and her momma Sabrina |
It was such a blast to watch her open gifts. She did really good for how young she is. :) Christmas will be a hoot.
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Jake and I watching all the fun. |
Monday, April 1, 2013
Weekend Fun
We went up to Mom and Dad Seward's for Easter/ Blake's birthday party.
It was fun, even with Jake and I being sickos.
While we were watching a little march madness I was crocheting.
I'm making a baby blanket.
For whom?
Good question. I'll get back to that later.
Anyways I was putting the blanket back in the bag
so I could get up and do something..I can't recall what, but
the crochet hook slipped out of the blanket bouncing onto Jake's
arm and then into the couch.
As I was doing whatever...Jake looked for it.
Couldn't find it.
It turned into this.
and this...
and this.
until finally
they found it.
Thank goodness. Haha! It was great and so nice of them to look so hard for it for me.
Oh, yeah. The blanket is for someone I most likely don't know, nor will I ever know.
Our Relief Society (church women group) is doing a big service project this month and one of the items they want is baby blankets for the
St. Vincent hospital for the babies who don't make it.
This particular project has special meaning to me because my sister in law isn't able to carry her babies full term. She lost her first after only 15 precious minutes.
Thankfully because of the amazing care at St. Vincents she now has two adorable little kids that survived being born around 24-26 weeks.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
8 questions
I saw these questions on another blog that I follow and thought it would be fun to answer them.
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Lets see in 2003.
I got hitched. (Weird to think about.) Biggest mistake of my life. So glad that part of my life is in the past.
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list?
Organize front room, enough so that when my visiting teachers come they wont trip over the boxes that are still every where.
Grocery shopping for a few things. Want to start a cleansing tomorrow.
Buy a pillow. (Besides our old bed having mold I had black stuff on my pillow as well. Most likely it was only mascara, but I was too freaked out to chance it. I've been using a blanket as a pillow for the past 2 weeks. I'm officially sick of the neck/shoulder aches and pains from lack of support.)
Continue working on baby chevron blanket I'm crocheting for St. Vincent's hospital.
Walk on treadmill for 10 minutes and then ice my back.
3. What are 5 snacks I enjoy?
craisins, but they have to be the pomegranate juice infused ones. Yummo!
maple bars (they are my weakness)
cold watermelon
red vines
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire
The possibilities...
Become like Emily Gilmore. Not the personality, but the donating and helping tons of different causes.
5. Name some of the places you've lived.
Utah, Arizona, Oregon.
6. Name some bad habits you have.
lazy eating
getting everywhere 'mormon' standard time
7. Name some jobs you've had.
mowing grandma's lawns.Some may say it wasn't a job. probably not, but I wish I could go back to that job. I thought as I mowed gave me time to think about whatever and I miss my Grandma Buck something fers and wish I could sit down in her kitchen cooling off by drinking some black cherry Shasta, playing Pollyanna, and listening to Grandma's wisdom and feel her love again.
8. What are some childhood memories.
Playing night games with the other neighborhood kids.
Pillow fights with my little sister.
Car rides to tumbling with Jan singing her goofy songs.
My brother scaring me by doing donuts in the church parking lot.
Coaching my lil' sis softball team.
Now it's your turn. :)
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Lets see in 2003.
I got hitched. (Weird to think about.) Biggest mistake of my life. So glad that part of my life is in the past.
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list?
Organize front room, enough so that when my visiting teachers come they wont trip over the boxes that are still every where.
Grocery shopping for a few things. Want to start a cleansing tomorrow.
Buy a pillow. (Besides our old bed having mold I had black stuff on my pillow as well. Most likely it was only mascara, but I was too freaked out to chance it. I've been using a blanket as a pillow for the past 2 weeks. I'm officially sick of the neck/shoulder aches and pains from lack of support.)
Continue working on baby chevron blanket I'm crocheting for St. Vincent's hospital.
Walk on treadmill for 10 minutes and then ice my back.
3. What are 5 snacks I enjoy?
craisins, but they have to be the pomegranate juice infused ones. Yummo!
maple bars (they are my weakness)
cold watermelon
red vines
4. Name some things you would do if you were a millionaire
The possibilities...
Become like Emily Gilmore. Not the personality, but the donating and helping tons of different causes.
5. Name some of the places you've lived.
Utah, Arizona, Oregon.
6. Name some bad habits you have.
lazy eating
getting everywhere 'mormon' standard time
7. Name some jobs you've had.
mowing grandma's lawns.Some may say it wasn't a job. probably not, but I wish I could go back to that job. I thought as I mowed gave me time to think about whatever and I miss my Grandma Buck something fers and wish I could sit down in her kitchen cooling off by drinking some black cherry Shasta, playing Pollyanna, and listening to Grandma's wisdom and feel her love again.
8. What are some childhood memories.
Playing night games with the other neighborhood kids.
Pillow fights with my little sister.
Car rides to tumbling with Jan singing her goofy songs.
My brother scaring me by doing donuts in the church parking lot.
Coaching my lil' sis softball team.
Now it's your turn. :)
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