Time Out For Women
A weekend for just the women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Full of Inspiration and loads of fun too.
Sheri Dew Friday night was awesome. I loved the music by Jenny Oaks Baker. Her cd is now on my wish list. We also had two amazing speakers. Loved them both. Sheri Dew talk was really powerful to me. Maybe it's because I have had so many people ask me about the very topic since moving to Oregon and me not having a clue how to give descriptive detailed answers, but I LOVED her talk on the Priesthood and our role as woman in this church. |
Me with the best in-laws a girl could ask for. Amelia (mom), Amanda, and Tiffany Only Sabrina wasn't there for the girl's weekend. Hopefully she will be able to come in a couple years with us again. :)
Hillary Weeks
Hillary sang and played several of her new songs. They were great. I'm a fan, but honestly her little spill about 'the clicker' helped me more. Simply because I am able to use what I learned from her talk and change my behaviors for the better everyday.
She told of an experiment she conducted for herself. She grabbed a clicker and for one week she counted every day every negative thought that she had. She was hilarious in giving the details of her experience that week.
She then said that by the end of the week she relies that for no 'real' reason she was considerably sadder, more depressed, and really didn't want to do anything.
After taking a minute she realized that it was because she had been keeping track of all the negative thoughts she was having. So being Hillary she decided to change it. Instead of clicking for a negative thought she began clicking for only positive thoughts.
As she did an amazing thing started to happen. She began to be happier. She began to find reason to click her clicker.
Happy positive thoughts are contagious. Much like when you smile at someone.
So she challenged us to see how many clicks we can get in a day.
There is even a website to enter your clicks to at www.BillionClicks.org
Kinda fun!
Think positively people. :)
What a cool experiment! Our student gov't kids have started a program that is similar called "A Complaint Free World". I need to do better at trying to stop complaining. :)