You think since I've had a little bit of experience in the kitchen I wouldn't make such silly cooking mistakes. Well at least that's what I thought before the other day. I was in the middle of making some breakfast burritos which was a fail by the way...need your recipe Mom Seward!! While trying to grate some potatoes for hash browns. I ended up have a fight with the cheese grater and lost.
If that wasn't bad enough. One of my new favorite things to do before going to bed (when it's not super hot outside that is) is have a cup of herbal tea. Is calms me so that I can fall asleep quicker and it keeps me from wanting a little snack right before bed. Well I put water in the pot right as Jake got home from work. While talking to him about the day I completely forgot about my pot of water. Jake and I went even started a movie. It didn't last long until our fire alarm when off. (which worked fabulously, I'm sure my neighbors loved me cause it's was around 11pm) Though I have to admit I'm grateful for the warning because my poor pot was melting away.

Guess I'll have to buy a new pot.
Oh and I had a lovely blond moment. The pot was melted to the burner so we had to put it under hot water to cool it off to remove it so it would stop burning. After we successfully removed the pot from the burner I said something similar to... wait a minute how did the pot melt if there is water still in the pot?Yup, I'm that smart!
PS: Anyone have any suggestions on how to clean that burner I'd really appreciate it. |
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