Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Birthday Challange

<center><a href="http://womeninthescriptures.blogspot.com/2009/12/women-in-scripture-challenge.html"><img border="0" src="http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s470/ofmimages/WomenintheScriptures/finalchallenge150.png" /></a></center>

Last year if you recall I tried to do 31 things for my 31st year.

(Which by the way I didn't finish all that I had wanted, but I was able to do most and it was a great year of many accomplishments. My greatest is probably getting my back to being much more functional. I am now working on average about 24 hrs a week at a book store. Which I love, but is quite physical especially for a girl with a couple of herniated discs in my lower back. So grateful for the swimming pool and the elliptical that has helped in my recovery. I am grateful that I have made such great progress.)

Anyways this year I have decided to narrow things down....a LOT.

This year I am going to study about all the Women in the Scriptures. I have found a couple of great blogs and books to help me understand what I am reading a little better and help me get the most out of my studying and I am excited to come to know and love the women of the scriptures.

Feel free to join me. :)