Monday, January 7, 2013

12 Days of Christmas to my Hubby

 This year I was trying to come up with some different ideas to help me enjoy
the Holiday season more. I always miss C and H especially during this time of year and
have found that made this season sad. I have found myself not wanting to go
see the Christmas lights. Dodging all stores and even conversation
that had to do with the holidays in the past, but I really
wanted to be able to have a special 1st Christmas with Jake.

I got a great idea through another blog to do a 12 days of Christmas for your husband.
I was on a budget and I wanted to make it have a
little of a spiritual touch to it.
I did a little scripture searching and put a verse with each gift.
The verse from scripture was supposed to give him
a clue of what the gift was.

Doing this reminded me of doing the 12 days of Christmas for
Grandma Buck years ago. :) Miss her.

1st day:
Ps 36:9; flashlight
2nd day:
Alma 7:20,22; socks
3rd day:
Alma 37:14; wallet wedding pics
4th day:
Luke 22:7;chips and mentos
5th day:
D&C 28:15; date night
6th day:
D&C 98:1 ;mug and hot chocolate
Day 7:
Alma 32:38;beef jerky
Day 8:
Ecc 5:11, Abr 5:18; sleepover
Day 9:
Job 36:11(pleasure); oreos (mayan calander no worries)
Day 10:
John 6:35; homemade bread
Day 11:
proverbs 21:31 ;Travel First Aid
Day 12:
John 4:7;143 chocolates

This was supposed to be for Day 9: Pleasure, but my oven wasn't working correctly so I burnt the brownies. I was going to use Christmas cookie cutters to make them cut.
Here is one example of the note. Inside has the scripture and then a extra hint/though from me personally as well. Sorry about the sideways pictures I couldn't get it to flip for me.
Had a sleepover in our front room by the Christmas tree. It was so fun.
Another example. This came with a jar of assorted chocolate candy bars with a sticker on it. Each one with a reason why I love Jake.
My attempt at making a crock pot loaf of bread.

143 in sign means I Love You! When Jake opened this gift I warned him before hand. Laughing at the fact this it just looked AWFUL...His first comment when he was part of it was... "AAaHH a HUGE cookie!" too
bad it wasn't...then he asked if it was unleaved bread. Hehe! Looks kinda like it could be huh. Well it may have looked horrible but it turned out tasting really yummy. Thank goodness! Can't wait for a new oven.

I ended up finding and little joy and excitement and trying
to be sneaking in given Jake his gift each day.

The best part was Jake LOVED it! Even though the gifts were sometimes
cheesy and a complete failure. Yeah! I think this will be a new tradition for me. Though
I think I'll start planning it much sooner (at least I hope to) that way I can make
some stuff for him and maybe have a little bit more money
for the gifts as well. :)

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