Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pinterest Experiment

I have felt a little lost since I now am not the Relief Society President anymore. I have more time on my hands then I know what to do with. Being in a city, where I get lost almost every time I go anywhere. Knowing no one...all my neighbors speaking another language or incredible unfriendly seeming bitter. I've decided its time that I once again work on some crafty projects in the safety of my own home. Where getting lost and feeling lonely among strangers can temporarily be at bay. This project was one that I actually saw on  one of my cousins blogs that she did, and later found it on pinterest. I followed my cousins instructions to the T. The only problem I came up with was that my blow dryer decided to stop working during the middle of the creation. I've decided that regardless of this fact I still like the look of the ending result. 
 I had to buy 5 50 crayon boxes to get the amount of yellow,orange, and red that I wanted. I was able to find them for a good price at Wal-Mart for $ .50 a piece. I already had the glue gun but I got it at Jo-Ann's for about $4. The 11 X 16 canvas I also got on sale at Jo-Ann's for $5. 
 I organized and made sure all the crayons fit on the canvas like I wanted. Then I began to glue each crayon into place.
 Once the crayons were all in place I took the blow dryer. Turned the blow dryer on high/hot and begin heating the crayons from the tip to the end. It really does splash quite a bit so I was glad I followed my cousins advice and made sure to cover the area I worked in well.
 Thankfully I was able to get a lot of the wax melted before my blow dryer gave up the ghost. I was hoping to make the wax bubbly all the way down the canvas like it is down the bottom have of the piece. Either way...I like it.
Now that it's cooled I will be hanging it up in my dinning room, next to the dinner table. I love fall colors!

Honeymoon Week

Day 1:

Thanks to a fabulous gift from my 'Oregon Dad' aka Bob Walker, Jake and I got to spend our wedding night at the Chinook Winds Casino in Lincoln City, Oregon. We got there at night fall so we couldn't really see our where we were located. When we opened the back door to our hotel room it was an awe inspiring view. This is the literal view from our room. My only regret is we couldn't have stayed longer.

Day 2:

After we left Lincoln City we went to Tif and Ethan's house to open our wedding gifts.It was so much fun. Tif took some fun pictures but I will post them when I get them. While there Jake and I finally got to enjoy some of our yummy cake made by Margret Bell Ethan's mother. Also Jake finally got a chance to hold little Poette for the first time. She was born 6 weeks early. Poette stayed in the nicu for a few weeks and has been doing well ever sense. I think at this time she was probably around 5lbs she was born at around 4lbs. Look at how big Jake's hands are compared to little Poette! I also for the second time got to feed little Poette. She is so sweet! Love that little girl. After the lunchner and opening gifts Jake and I got to take my BF from Utah to the airport. It was so great to have a little time to actually get to talk to her. Love and miss that woman. She has a way of bring the spirit in a room with her like no one else that I've met. Truly remarkable woman, just like her mother. After dropping Rynda off at the airport we headed to our new home in Tigard. Jake had been living in the apartment for a few weeks now, but this was all new to me. Realized what a challenge I had in making this brown, brown, brown apartment feel warm and like a home. LOL! Working on it. :) Coming up will be before at after pictures.

 Day 3:

Portland Zoo

Cute Otter showing off!

Elephant bike used in circuses!

Day 4:

Us with a picture of a red barn.(we met in a red barn.)
A quite day. First we went to Elmer's restaurant just around the corner of our house. We then went to the Temple to do a session. It was beautiful and wonderful. I love going to the temple. 

Day 5 & 6:

Donut stop after an LONG trip to Wal-Mart. Reminded me of Chelsa and her old roommate (Betsy I think was her name.)
We went newlywed shopping. For our wedding we got multiple gift cards from different stores. Most of which was Wal-Mart. It was fun and exhausting to go to all the stores and trying to get all the things that we needed. We did really well. It was a huge blessing to have been given so many gift cards. Though both Jake and I don't like shopping much it was really nice to get to pick out the stuff that we wanted instead of what other people thought we might like or need. 

After making all of our purchases we then went to a fabulous Mexican restaurant near the Portland temple called Chevy's. A definite favorite Mexican restaurant here in Oregon. Then we headed home and for the next couple of days tried to clean and organize our apartment so that it would feel a little bit more like home. Hopefully I will have some before and after pictures but that will come later.

Day 7:

 Finally we get to go to a beautiful lighthouse. After being in Oregon for over a year and still never seeing such an inspiring symbolic building. I have always loved lighthouses. It was a dream come true to finally see when up close and personal. I only wish there wasn't so much mist around. I could hardly see the ocean, which was a little disappointed. Though the reason for the lighthouse was more profoundly explained by having difficulty seeing.
When arriving at the Yasquire Lighthouse in Newport, Oregon we waited in a fairly short line to take a tour. It was so interesting to learn the details of taking care of the lighthouse. The top left picture is of a office room where all the detailed paperwork had to be done. Top right. Look at all those stairs I didn't think to ask how many stairs it was to climb to the top, but it was a lot. It is crazy to think that someone had to carry gallons of oil up all those steps each day to keep the flame lite. Talk about endurance. Bottom left is the lamp, I was a little shocked at how small it was. I guess I was thinking that there wouldn't be new technology in it, but I was wrong. Still remarkable! 

Even Jake looks small next to the lighthouse. So beautiful!! Love him! See the mist. That's when the mist started to let up a little bit. It was a perfect way to end our week together. Loved every moment! 

love this pic!
Forgot what these are called, but a little creature from under the sea.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Best Day of Our Lives!

Here are a few of the pictures that we have as of right now. We had Alyssa Boston Duce do some of our family pictures and then my new fabulous sister Tiffany Bell did the rest. They both did an amazing job. I am so grateful to have so many wonderful pictures from that day.

Sadly I already don't remember much of the details of this spectacular day. It was so wonderful to have those loved ones and friends who could make it to the temple to watch Jake and I be sealed. Let's see how good my memory is shall we. I'll probably have to have Jake double check this, but here it goes.
There was Steve and Charmaine Cooper, Jeff (old branch President) and Kristi Haslam, Dan and Sandy Hinmon, Stephanie Bailey (my maid-of-honor), Rynda Young (my Utah sister from another mother :). Then of course Grandma Fern Seward, Uncle Charles and his wife Robin Witney, Amelia (mom) and Randy (dad) Seward, Amanda (sister)Seward, Tiffany (sister) and Ethan Bell, Sabrina (sister) and David Huntley. Blake (brother) Seward was at the temple but watching the kids
for Tif and Sabrina.From my family Jan (mom) and Kevin (dad)
 Robets, Crystal (sister) and Brent Twitchell, Adam (brother)
and Amber Roberts. Rachel (sister) Roberts was there but was
watching kids for Crystal and Adam.

I think that is everyone....hopefully no feelings will be hurt because everyone should know I have an AWFUL memory.

Getting to be married in the temple was a true honor and a blessing. Jake and I wasn't sure it was going to happen on our wedding day. I was still working out the kinks of my sealing cancelation to my ex. Thankfully almost a month before June 9th arrived a blessing from on high. Making it possible that Jake and I could be sealed. I can't tell you how perfect that made our day!

I have finally found my perfect match. One that was meant to be before we ever came to this earth. Jake and I fell in love quickly and hard. I admit that several times Jake had to remind me of the answer to my prayers concerning our relationship. I feared because of my awful, unsuccessful marriage I had before, but as I remembered a peace came over me and we continued to press forward.

As I made those promises to Jake and my Heavenly Father I knew I had finally made the choice that I was meant to make all along. Jake is my one true love. He lifts me and inspires me. I am so grateful that I found my Jake, that I have found someone who will help encourage me and help me to soar! What a blessing!

Jake's wonderful family as opened their arms in love and acceptence.  I am frequently in awe by their ability to do so. I love everyone of my new family. Even on the first night of meeting them, I knew I would finally feel at home in Oregon and I do. I couldn't imagine a better family to marry into.